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7 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

A multitude of oral health problems stem from missing teeth. Still, approximately 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, and the statistic is expected to rise as time goes on. 

It used to be that the only solutions for “filling the gap” were restorations like a bridge or dentures. However, we now have a solution for missing teeth that offers patients many advantages — the dental implant, which is, in essence, an artificial tooth root. The tiny implant screws down into your jawbone, and we place a crown atop it.

Dr. Ali Saeghi and the able Modern Age Dentistry team are highly experienced at performing dental implant procedures, and patients have seen great success with the treatment. 

Why should you consider a dental implant?

Periodontal disease, cavities, and traumatic accidents are the main causes of tooth loss. Once we outline the considerable plusses that a dental implant offers, we believe you’ll be sold!

1. Dental implants offer stability

One reason it’s not a good idea to ignore a missing tooth is that the persistent gap causes problems with chewing and speaking. The fact that a dental implant is firmly placed in your jawbone means that you can speak confidently and chew forcefully — while eating anything you want, from crunchy apples to salty nuts.

2. Dental implants prevent bone loss

A dental implant may help you avoid bone loss after losing a tooth. Typically, most bone loss occurs during the first six months after losing a tooth, and you can lose 30% of your all-important alveolar ridge — the part of your jawbone that holds your tooth socket. 

Fortunately, research has shown that a dental implant helps preserve the alveolar ridge by reducing bone resorption (bone tissue breakdown).

3. Dental implants are a supremely durable permanent solution

Instead of having to remove dentures and put them back in, a dental implant is the one permanent solution to your missing tooth or teeth. It stays put, and when the procedure is successful — which 98% of them are — your implant never needs replacing.

4. Dental implants offer easier dental hygiene

With a dental implant, you care for it as you do the rest of your teeth — by brushing twice a day and flossing daily. Having dentures requires you to remove them to clean them, in addition to keeping up with dental hygiene for your own teeth.

5. Dental implants look and feel natural

A dental implant is the most comfortable missing tooth solution. Because of its stability and permanence, it feels great, and Dr. Saeghi has the ability to match it to your natural teeth precisely.

6. Dental implants support surrounding teeth

A missing tooth can cause shifting of the teeth that surround the gap, and that isn’t good. It disrupts the alignment of your teeth and can make your face appear asymmetrical.

A dental implant keeps your adjacent teeth in check and your facial structure unchanged.

7. Dental implants add oomph to your smile

Your confidence is restored when you get a dental implant because your smile dazzles. No longer do you have to be concerned with hiding a certain part of your mouth when you smile or worry about what you look like in pictures. You can smile big, with full confidence!

These many advantages of dental implants should convince you to consider the treatment, and a conversation with Dr. Saeghi is sure to help you seal the deal. 

What to expect during a dental implant procedure

We make your dental implant procedure as comfortable and seamless as possible, and the option of getting general anesthesia is open to you if you prefer it.

First, Dr. Saeghi implants a tiny post made of titanium into your bone socket (the root implant). Over the course of a couple of months, the bone socket gradually surrounds the post. 

After your jaw heals, he connects an abutment to your root implant, which will keep your new tooth stable and in the right place in your mouth. 

We also create a synthetic model of your bite, from which the new tooth/teeth (crowns) can be fabricated. Your crown is identical to your real teeth and behaves like a real tooth. It’s also possible to have a denture that you can remove attached to your implant. 

We’re passionate about making your smile the best it can be, and a dental implant truly has the ability to transform your look, smile, and confidence.

Call the Modern Age office that’s most convenient to you and schedule an appointment to learn more about dental implants, or to the start the process. You may also book an appointment with us online. We have offices in Los Angeles, West Hills, and Ojai, California. 



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