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Everything You Need to Know About Dentures With Implants

Everything You Need to Know About Dentures With Implants

When we talk about a solution for missing teeth, it’s usually an “either or” situation. People are more accustomed to considering either dental implants — new tooth roots that are implanted and consist of tiny titanium posts and abutments that hold restorations such as crowns or a bridge — or removable dentures. 

However, there’s also a solid solution for missing teeth that combines the best of both implants and dentures — dentures that are held in place by implants.

Dr. Ali Saeghi and the Modern Age Dentistry team are passionate about finding and offering the most advanced, customized dental solutions for patients, and dentures with implants is a solution that is increasing in popularity among our patients for several reasons. 

We’re dedicated to maintaining your dental health and finding restorative solutions that are both wonderfully functional and beautiful.

The dangers of missing teeth

The statistics around Americans who are living with missing teeth are eye-opening. We have 32 teeth when we reach adulthood (excluding wisdom teeth, which are often removed), but, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, adults who are 20-64 years of age have an average of 25.5 teeth remaining, while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 11% of adults 65-74 have lost all of their teeth. The percentage rises to 20% for those 75 and over. 

The risks that missing teeth pose are significant:

Fortunately, we have effective solutions for missing teeth that successfully address both the dental health and cosmetic challenges that gaps pose.

The mechanics of how dental implants and dentures work

Dentures over implants are also called snap-on dentures, and they’re fixed to your implants, as opposed to being removable. Before we explore their advantages, it’s important to understand the process of getting a dental implant, then having these dentures placed. 

The good news is that at Modern Age Dentistry, we offer a comfortable, high-tech, and safe implant-denture procedure.

First, Dr. Saeghi implants the small titanium posts (the root replacements) in your gum in a straightforward procedure, and, as you heal over the next couple of months, your jaw begins to surround the posts. 

When healing is complete, you return to our office so Dr. Saeghi can attach very small abutment posts to your implants so they can accept and secure your dentures.

You will get a series of implants on the top and bottom of your mouth, to which your implant-supported dentures are attached. 

A match made in heaven: dentures with dental implants 

The advantages of implants with dentures are numerous, and many of our patients are delighted to learn this is a treatment option for them:

We should note that you also have the option of getting removable dentures with your implants. After a full assessment, Dr. Saeghi makes his recommendations about the treatment option that he considers wisest. 

The implant-denture treatment option is truly remarkable and combines the latest in advanced treatments to address the discomfort, dental health risks, and embarrassment of missing teeth.

Contact Modern Age Dentistry by calling our Ojai, West Hills, or Los Angeles office, or book an appointment with us online

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