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Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth: What to Expect

If you’re self-conscious about dull, stained teeth and they inhibit you from smiling wide, having your teeth professionally whitened is a wildly popular way to get your smile refreshed. 

In fact, teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, since it has a great effect on your smile but isn’t invasive. If you’re one of the over 40 million sufferers of tooth sensitivity, however, you may wonder if you’re even a candidate for whitening, and we’ll delve into that in this post.

Dr. Alistair Saeghi provides expert in-office whitening treatment at Modern Age Dentistry, and results for patients never fail to astound. He carefully chose a whitening platform based on several factors, and is proud to offer Philips Zoom whitening treatment. 

As with all procedures, Dr. Saeghi goes over what to expect from treatment, what your goals are, and if you’re a good candidate for treatment.

The trials of tooth sensitivity

Having sensitive teeth means you need to be careful when you eat or drink very hot, cold, sour, or sweet foods, or you pay the price by experiencing discomfort. Sometimes you can even take in a breath of cold air and suffer the consequences — sudden pain that can go straight into the nerve endings of your teeth.

But what if your teeth have been discolored by dark sodas, wine, coffee and tea, and foods like berries, tomato sauce, and colorful candies? Good news: This still doesn’t disqualify you from getting your teeth professionally whitened; you just want to select your in-office whitening treatment carefully.

Whitening for sensitive teeth

Dr. Saeghi researched many whitening treatments and chose the one he believes works best for most patients, including those with sensitive teeth: Philips Zoom. He found that it’s the treatment platform that offers the most benefits to patients, including:

After you’re cleared for whitening treatment and you visit our office to experience Philips Zoom treatment, Dr. Saeghi first ensures that your new tooth shade is perfect for you and natural-looking. 

He then uses special tools and cotton to ensure that your teeth are accessible and your gums and cheeks are protected. Dr. Saeghi’s next step is to apply the specially formulated whitening gel in rounds while taking periodic brief breaks. All the while, we make sure you’re comfortable and all of your questions are answered.

If you any post-treatment sensitivity does emerge, Dr. Saeghi immediately applies the FDA-approved gel that’s part of Phillips Zoom treatment to relieve it. 

After treatment, you can step right back into your regular routines, but do wait for 30 minutes to eat or drink. 

Dr. Saeghi also talks to you about preventing further staining. You’ll need to avoid the foods and beverages we mentioned earlier as well as some others, and do certain things to keep agents that cause discoloration away from your teeth, like using a straw and sipping rapidly rather than swirling what you’re drinking around in your mouth too much.

Call our Atwater Village, West Hills, or Ojai, California, office today to learn more about the transformative results of professional teeth whitening, or book an appointment with us online.

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